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Overweight Since Childhood, I Now Run Circles Around People Half My Age!
At the ripe old age of 11, I came to the realization that I could no longer eat animals. I simply would…
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My Favorite Success Story: A Sedentary Surgeon who Transformed his Life
When asked to consider writing a piece on a patient success story, I immediately began to mentally sort through the countless experiences…
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How I Lost 55 Pounds and Gained a Happy Life
As a Polish-American, I was raised in a culture in which meat was the staple cuisine and the plant-based lifestyle was never…
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Slaying the Protein Myth
I am plant-based. Essentially, this means I don’t eat anything with a face or a mother. Animals find this agreeable. I’m also…
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FOK Recipe App Now Available for iPhone and iPod Touch
Updated April 2015 to reflect new Android app and add new links. We are pleased to announce that the Forks Over Knives…
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Punk Rocker’s Mission to Show There’s Nothing Tough About Eating Meat
John Joseph, the lead singer and cofounder of the legendary punk rock group Cro-Mags, grew up on the tough streets of New…
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150 Pounds Ago, I Was One Chinese Buffet Away from a Health Crisis
On March 1st of 2012 I was 44 years old, weighed 380 pounds, and was on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I…
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From Meds to Marathons: How a Plant-Based Diet Reversed My Asthma and Eczema
Imagine an active eight-year-old boy playing baseball, basketball, and tennis … going nonstop. Now, imagine that same boy hindered with difficulty breathing…
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My Patient Didn’t Just Control His Diabetes, He Cured It!
Some of you may have read my story about how I came to embrace a whole-food, plant-based diet and the effects it…
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I Overcame a Life of Meat, Junk Food and Sickness by Adopting a Plant-Based Diet
For years, I lived the fat life … big rare T-bones, grilled lamb chops, dirty martinis, fried calamari appetizers, large pieces of…
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Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain, High Blood Pressure, and Acne are Now Gone!
For the two and a half years after having my daughter, I struggled every day with my weight, my body image, a…
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Sharing a Message of Hope and Health in the Latin-American Community
As medical doctors with a passion for human and planetary health, we are always looking for ways to make the greatest difference…