Brenda Davis, RD; Vesanto Melina, RD; and Cory Davis, P.Ag
Brenda Davis, RD, is one of the world’s leading plant-based pioneers and an internationally acclaimed speaker. Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, is a consultant for individuals as well as the government of British Columbia, and she is the lead author of the last position paper on vegetarian diets for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Cory Davis, MBA, P.Ag, is a professional agrologist who has worked in natural resource management since 2012 and has been a lifelong advocate for animal welfare and environmental stewardship. The three co-authored the 2023 book Plant-Powered Protein.
All Contributions from Brenda Davis, RD; Vesanto Melina, RD; and Cory Davis, P.Ag (1)
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6 Reasons Athletes Should Opt for Plant Protein Over Animal Protein
Editor’s Note: The following article is excerpted from Plant-Powered Protein by Brenda Davis, RD; Vesanto Melina, MS, RD; and Cory Davis, MBA…
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