Jo Stepaniak
Jo Stepaniak has been involved with vegetarian- and vegan-related issues for over five decades. She is the author and co-author of more than 15 books on compassionate living and vegan cuisine and has been a contributing author to many other books, pamphlets, national publications, and magazines. Stepaniak is the senior editorial director at Book Publishing Company and a former community and victim-offender mediator. She is the writer of the award-winning column, Ask Jo! Find her on LinkedIn.
All Contributions from Jo Stepaniak (1)
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Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
Eating a breakfast of hearty, old-fashioned rolled oats in the morning will keep you satisfied until lunchtime. This oatmeal recipe includes raisins…
Master The Art Of Plant-based Cooking.
The Forks Over Knives online cooking course helps you learn new techniques, flavors, and styles for cooking delicious plant-based, oil-free meals at home.
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