Micaela Karlsen, PhD, MSPH
All Contributions from Micaela Karlsen, PhD, MSPH (12)
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Gluten-Free Crepes
After college I spent a year in France as a fille au pair, living with a French family, taking care of their…
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Apple-Lemon Breakfast Bowl
Fresh and deliciously filling, this apple-lemon breakfast bowl is beautifully flavored with dates, cinnamon, and walnuts. From A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete…
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Pioneer Gingerbread
As a child, I was a big fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie series, and some of my…
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Plant-Based on a Budget: Strategies for Affordable Cooking and Eating
The following is an excerpt from A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better…
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5 Ways To Make Healthy Eating Habits Stick
We know most fad diets don’t work and sustaining a diet for the long term is where the rubber meets the road for…
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Reading Nutrition Labels and Food Packaging: Four Tips for Savvy Shopping
While about three-fourths of Americans might use the Nutrition Facts panel at least some of the time, most people have only a…
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Essential Tips for Plant-Eaters in a Meat-Loving World
Eating differently from the rest of the world can feel like a challenge, but with a little strategy, it can be easy…
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Do Different Bodies Really Need Radically Different Types of Diets?
The concepts of personalized medicine and personalized nutrition have really taken off. People are eating according to their blood type, their metabolic…
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Top 3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Doctor Visits
Plant-based diets are still far from mainstream, and especially in the medical community. Sometimes, this can lead plant-based eaters to think, “Hmm,…
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Careers in Plant-Based Nutrition: Options for Action in an Emerging Field
We need you. We have never before been faced with so much overweight, chronic disease, and associated emotional and financial ill effects…
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Powders, Extracts, Oils, and Juices
They’re all around us — goji berries, chia seeds, maca, pomegranates, and the list goes on. Certain individual foods are labeled “superfoods”…
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Meeting Protein Needs Simply by Eating
Imagine running into a friend at the gym who was just finishing her aerobic workout. Sweaty and flushed, she downs a bottle…
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