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Headshot of Rachael J Brown

Rachael J. Brown

Rachael J. Brown earned her plant-based nutrition certification and food and sustainability certification from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell. After being diagnosed with high cholesterol in her late 20s, she discovered The China Study and started exploring the science of nutrition. After she ate an oil-free whole-food, plant-based diet for just 17 days, her cholesterol dropped 50 points. That was the beginning of her family’s journey from the standard American diet to a WFPB lifestyle. A licensed practitioner of massage and the pain neutralization technique, Brown is also a certified yoga and Pilates instructor and a spiritual director. She completed the 12-Day McDougall Program and has led corporate mindfulness seminars. She received her Bachelor of Arts in geography from the University of Washington and has been an adjunct professor in nutrition and wellness. For more information follow her on Instagram or visit her website.

All Contributions from Rachael J. Brown (6)

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