Success Stories

How a Plant-Based Diet Helped Me Become an Endurance Athlete

I’ve lived most of my adult life on a roller-coaster weight cycle of chubby to fat back to chubby. Although I was…

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Success Stories

Overweight Since Childhood, I Now Run Circles Around People Half My Age!

At the ripe old age of 11, I came to the realization that I could no longer eat animals. I simply would…

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Success Stories

My Favorite Success Story: A Sedentary Surgeon who Transformed his Life

When asked to consider writing a piece on a patient success story, I immediately began to mentally sort through the countless experiences…

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Veganism proved I can live a healthy life that leaves my body as well as my mind happy. I wouldn’t change a thing about my vegan diet weight loss journey!
Success Stories

How I Lost 55 Pounds and Gained a Happy Life

As a Polish-American, I was raised in a culture in which meat was the staple cuisine and the plant-based lifestyle was never…

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Success Stories

150 Pounds Ago, I Was One Chinese Buffet Away from a Health Crisis

On March 1st of 2012 I was 44 years old, weighed 380 pounds, and was on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I…

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Success Stories

From Meds to Marathons: How a Plant-Based Diet Reversed My Asthma and Eczema

Imagine an active eight-year-old boy playing baseball, basketball, and tennis …  going nonstop. Now, imagine that same boy hindered with difficulty breathing…

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Once converted to my new plant-based diet, the pounds just fell off of me, I can exercise with the best of them, and my cholesterol is at an all-time low!
Success Stories

I Overcame a Life of Meat, Junk Food and Sickness by Adopting a Plant-Based Diet

For years, I lived the fat life … big rare T-bones, grilled lamb chops, dirty martinis, fried calamari appetizers, large pieces of…

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Success Stories

Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain, High Blood Pressure, and Acne are Now Gone!

For the two and a half years after having my daughter, I struggled every day with my weight, my body image, a…

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Success Stories

Hyperglycemia Gone … and Getting Healthier at 52

A year ago I visited my doctor for a checkup, in order to get a prescription filled. My weight had ballooned to…

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Since taking the plunge into a plant based diet, I have lost weight, eliminated my type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and persistent exhaustion!
Success Stories

I Lost 155 Pounds, Normalized My Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure … and Feel Absolutely Amazing!

Since I was young, I struggled with my weight. Growing up, I experienced judgments from my peers and had difficulty keeping up with…

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This amazing lose weight vegan diet has benefited us not only physically, but mentally & spiritually too. We've experienced nothing but positive results!
Success Stories

Together, We Lost 200 Pounds in 2 Years!

I recently celebrated my anniversary of being 100% plant based. My journey began in March of 2012. I was determined to lose…

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Robin Smith shown before and after adopting a plant-based diet
Success Stories

After a Bypass and a Grim Diagnosis, a WFPB Diet Reversed My Husband’s Heart Disease

In the middle of March 2012, my husband Dale and I watched Forks Over Knives, and halfway through he said to me,…

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