Success Stories

I Stumbled Across Forks Over Knives and It Changed My Life

I was flipping through Netflix one night and came across an interesting movie titled Forks Over Knives. At this point in my life,…

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Success Stories

Forks Over Knives and Plant-Based Lifestyle Has Me Lighter, More Energetic and Healthier

In March of 2012, I returned home from a Caribbean cruise to find myself at the heaviest weight I have been in…

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Success Stories

Diet and Lifestyle Helped Me Become a Champion Again

I had been at the top of women’s canoe. I was undefeated in the U.S. since 2000 and ranked with the world’s…

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Success Stories

Doctors Could Not Heal My Stomach Pain, Plant-Based Diet Did

For over seven years, I saw gastroenterologists to try to diagnose a digestive condition but never had any luck. I was so…

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Success Stories

Forks Over Knives Helped Me Lose 100 Pounds and Reduce Medications

Five months ago, my life was extremely different. After having had two heart attacks and two stents inserted, I was on high…

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Success Stories

How a Plant-Based Diet Helped Make Me an Ultra-Runner

I sat in my college nutrition class listening to my professor talk about nutrition. He mentioned that you could be a vegan…

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Success Stories

My Experience Going Vegetarian, Then Vegan

I love food. I love to talk about it, shop for it, make it, and I really love to eat it. This…

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Success Stories

Rethinking My Health After September 11 Exposure

I have been a New York City firefighter for the past sixteen years. During this time I have been exposed to toxins…

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Success Stories

Plant-Based Diet Made Me Healthier While I Saved Thousands on Insurance

I have always been an athlete. From a young age, my mother would place my two brothers and me in any sports…

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Success Stories

Constant Headaches, Fatigue, and Health Problems Gone in One Year on a Plant-Based Diet

One year ago today, my life changed forever. I feel blessed to have stumbled upon Forks Over Knives. It completely changed my…

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Success Stories

Plant-Based Diet Has Me Winning My Long, Hard Battle with Ulcerative Colitis

Seven years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune disease that causes severe abdominal pain, thousands of tiny sores in…

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Success Stories

Forks Over Knives, Plant-Based Lifestyle Ended Years of Yo-Yo Dieting and Poor Health

For the past three years, I have been battling several health issues and trying to control my weight. I have been overweight my…

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