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10 Best Articles of 2016

By Forks Over Knives,


We're proud of the work we did this year to help people live healthier, happier lives. Here's a look at the most-read and most-shared stories and articles of this year.

1. 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat

With over 1.1M page views, this article by Michelle McMacken, MD went viral this year. It explains many of the reasons vegetarians and vegans live longer and have lower incidences of chronic diseases than meat-eaters.

2. Obesity: It's Not About the Carbs

Dr. Garth Davis busts what is probably the most common health myth of today—that carbs make people fat and sick. "Traditional diets high in fruits, veggies and starches have worked for thousands of years, and continue to keep people slim and healthy. But our obsession with counting fat, carbs, and protein blinds us to this truth."

3. Is It Possible to Eat Too Much Fruit?

People actually avoid fruit because they think any carbs will make them gain weight. In this video, Dr. Michael Greger explores the research on how much fruit we can eat in one day.

4. What Do the Healthiest, Longest-Living People in the World Eat?

Scientists look at the traditional diets of the healthiest populations (based on both longevity and healthy aging) in the world for clues as to what we are doing wrong.

5. Plant-Based on a Budget: Eating Well on $5 a Day

Our chef shows you how to eat a whole-food, plant-based diet on a thrifty budget of $5 a day. Her practical and simple ten day menu is an example of the varied healthy meals you can make with limited resources and ingredients.

healthy eating on budget

6. Is Coconut Oil Healthy or Hazardous?

For several years now, coconut oil has been marketed as the new wonder oil, a cure-all with health benefits. Drs. Pulde and Lederman break down the science.

Coconut oil

7. The Smoke and Mirrors Behind Wheat Belly and Grain Brain

Wheat-free and grain-free diets are all the rage, and these two bestselling books are a big part of the current trend. John McDougall, MD, takes a hard look at their claims.

8. Myth of Complementary Protein

The “incomplete protein” myth was inadvertently promoted and popularized in the 1971 book, Diet for a Small Planet, by Frances Moore Lappé. Even though the author corrected her mistake in later editions, the myth of protein combining is still sometimes taught today.

9. These Three Kitchen Shortcuts Will Change the Way You Cook

Healthy eating starts at home, but most people don’t have the ability or energy to spend hours in the kitchen every day. The lead instructor of our online cooking course shares his favorite tips for home cooks to save time and mess in the kitchen.

10. How I Fuel Myself with a Plant-Based Diet as a Competitive Bodybuilder

Athlete Torre Washington talks about his life and diet as a plant-based athlete and bodybuilder;  people loved his compelling story.

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