Webinar Replay: Food, Hormones, and Health: Your Body in Balance with Dr. Neal Barnard
Natural Strategies for Hormone Balance
Did you know that a simple food prescription can help to gently restore your hormone balance? Myriad common health issues, including menstrual pain, weight gain, menopause symptoms, and hair loss are impacted by hormones that have gone haywire.
In this webinar, Dr. Neal Barnard, adjunct professor of medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine, shares his extensive knowledge and practical advice on how food and hormones play a powerful role in overall health. In this webinar, Dr. Barnard:
- Explains what happens when hormones go haywire and how foods can help to bring them back into balance.
- Provides insight into the hormones that are hiding in foods or are influenced by the foods we eat.
- Shares the science behind how common hormone-related conditions—such as weight gain, endometriosis, menstrual pain, and infertility—can be improved with very simple diet changes.
Originally aired April 7, 2020
About the Author

About the Author
Neal Barnard, MD, FACC
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