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Two woman wearing an identical outfit of jeans and a white shirt. The left woman is overweight and her shirt is stretched across her belly while in the photo on the right the woman is not overweight and her shirt fits well

Webinar Replay: Lose Weight for Good with a Healthy Plant-Based Diet, Featuring Dr. Anthony Lim

Have you found some weight-loss success, only to hit a frustrating plateau in your progress?

Losing weight is rarely easy, but it is very possible to shed excess pounds—and keep them off—once you understand not just what to eat, but also how to eat.

In this webinar, Dr. Anthony Lim, medical director of the McDougall Program and staff physician at TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, shares his extensive knowledge and practical advice on how to create a healthier relationship with food and achieve lasting weight loss.

Dr. Lim discusses:

  • The concept of calorie density and why it’s essential to long-term success.
  • His 10-point checklist for maximum weight loss.
  • Concrete strategies for making healthy behaviors easier and breaking through a weight-loss plateau.


Originally aired on Jan. 15, 2020

About the Author

Headshot of Anthony Lim, MD, JD

About the Author

Anthony Lim, MD, JD

Dr. Anthony Lim is a board-certified family physician. He is the medical director of the McDougall Project and the staff physician at TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California. Lim is a firm believer in the power of a healthy, balanced lifestyle to prevent and treat chronic illness. He has a special interest in whole-food, plant-based nutrition and enjoys working closely with patients to help them adopt healthier habits. In 2014, Lim discovered Joel Furhman’s book, Eat to Live. The same day, he watched the Forks Over Knives documentary and immediately made the switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet. Since that time, he has committed his life to helping others holistically achieve their best health. Find him on Instagram and LinkedIn.
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