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Headshot of Baxter Montgomery next to the Fox 5 News logo

Houston Cardiologist Has Amazing Success Treating Type 2 Diabetes with Nutrition

Houston Cardiologist Dr. Baxter Montgomery puts his patients on a plant-based diet to treat their chronic conditions, and they see amazing results. The…

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budget, plant based, plant-based

Plant-Based on a Budget: Strategies for Affordable Cooking and Eating

The following is an excerpt from A Plant-Based Life: Your Complete Guide to Great Food, Radiant Health, Boundless Energy, and a Better…

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Young boy with his family in the background, looking into the camera with a big smile

10 Tips From a Pediatrician: How to Feed Your Plant-Based Family Without Losing Your Mind

Increasingly, people are realizing that what we put on our plates can have more of an impact on our health than most…

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Scott Jurek

World-Renowned Ultra-Marathoner Scott Jurek Talks Snacks, Potatoes, and Micro-Goals

[Rip Esselstyn, bestselling author of The Engine2 Diet and former professional triathlete and firefighter, chats with Scott Jurek, world-renowned ultramarathon champion and…

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Doctor Weiss in a green house standing in front of bins of red and white onion

Meet the Physician-Farmer Who Grows the Plants He Prescribes to His Patients

In 2012, Dr. Ron Weiss cashed in most of his assets to buy a 342-acre farm—a National Historic Landmark—in bucolic Long Valley,…

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Budget-Friendly Vegan Meals

New Study: A Healthy Plant-Based Diet Can Cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk by a Third

A new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that a healthy plant-based diet significantly lowers the risk…

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standard American diet

The Standard American Diet is Even Sadder Than We Thought

Although we are one of the most prosperous countries on earth, we die sooner and experience higher rates of disease than other…

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fitness healthy travel

8 Expert Tips for Staying Fit While Traveling

Worried about maintaining your fitness while you’re on vacation or business trip? As a lifelong athlete, here are some of the best…

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meat culture

10 Reasons People Find it Hard to Give Up Meat

The following is an excerpt from The Plant Advantage by Benji Kurtz and Glen Merzer. Can it really be true that humans…

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Forks Over Knives Fruit and Nut Oatmeal HD

Plant-Strong on the Road!

Staying plant-strong while you’re traveling via planes, trains, and automobiles is a piece of cake (or even better, a piece of kale)….

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Rip Roll Rip Esselstyn

Q & A With Plant-Strong Athletes and Advocates Rip Esselstyn and Rich Roll

Rip Esselstyn, bestselling author of The Engine2 Diet and former professional triathlete and firefighter, chats with Rich Roll, bestselling author of Finding…

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animal agriculture environment

The Best Thing You Can Do for the Planet Has Nothing to Do With Shorter Showers or Hybrid Cars

How is it possible that the drastic spike in human population is not the biggest problem for the environment? Human population has…

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