Prime Day 2024 Kitchen Deals for Healthy Home Cooks
Summer shoppers, rev your engines. Amazon Prime Day kicks off on Tuesday, July 16, lasting through Wednesday, July 17, and early deals…

Healthy Desserts and Sweet Snack Ideas from Plant-Based Pros
Got a sweet tooth? You’re not alone. The average American consumes around 17 teaspoons worth of added sugar every day, according to…

Kiki Nelson’s Tips for Walking Your Way to Better Health, from Her New Book, ‘Plantifully Simple’
Editor’s Note: Author and whole-food, plant-based success story Kiki Nelson is back with a brand-new book! Out July 9, PLANTIFULLY SIMPLE features…

Get a Peek Inside Plant-Based Bodybuilder Robert Cheeke’s New Book, ‘The Impactful Vegan’
Editor’s Note: Longtime Forks Over Knives friend and contributor Robert Cheeke is coming out with a brand-new book, The Impactful Vegan. In…

Harvard Study: Planet-Friendly Diet Cuts Premature Death Risk by Nearly a Third
A groundbreaking Harvard study reveals that the healthiest diet for the planet may also be the best for human longevity, potentially reducing…

Growing for the Future: Rodale Institute’s Vision for Sustainable Agriculture
Photo by Cynthia van Elk Since its founding in 1947, the Rodale Institute has been a leader in the organic movement. Today,…

New Major Review: 20 Years of Studies Link Plant-Based Diets to Lower Rates of Heart Disease, Cancer
A major new review of the past 20 years of scientific research presents some of the strongest evidence yet that plant-based diets…

Revolutionizing Cardiac Care: These 5 U.S. Clinics Are Leading the Way with Plant-Based Nutrition
Montefiore photos: Scott Frances for Montefiore Einstein A whole-food, plant-based diet can be an effective tool for managing heart disease—that’s the consensus…

Vegan Diet Lowers Insulin Needs for Type 1 Diabetic Patients, Groundbreaking New Study Suggests
When it comes to Type 2 diabetes, there’s no shortage of evidence that a healthy plant-based diet is an effective tool for…

Meet Hellah Sidibe: The Vegan Athlete Who Ran Across the U.S. in 84 Days
Mali-born Hellah Sidibe grew up playing soccer before emigrating to the U.S. When visa issues prevented him from joining a Major League…

In Sweeping New Report, More Than 200 Climate Scientists Urge Consumers, Governments to Move Toward Plant-Based Diets
Doom-and-gloom climate change scenarios tend to dominate news headlines, but a new report out of Harvard suggests it’s not too late to…

What Is the Power Foods Diet? Dr. Neal Barnard Shares Lessons From His New Book
Americans spend $70 billion on weight-loss programs, drugs, and other diet aids every year, but what if we could lose unwanted weight…