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heart transplant list video
Success Stories

Without Surgery, This New Father Got Off the Transplant List and Reversed His Heart Disease

David Foster was a new father and only 57 years old when his doctor told him he needed a heart transplant. He…

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Marla R before after

How I Took Back My Health After a Lifetime of Crash Diets and an Eating Disorder

I didn’t learn a lot about nutrition growing up. In my family, our weekly menu was pretty routine: meatloaf, spaghetti, pot roast,…

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Love is a Far Better Motivator Than Fear

The following is an excerpt from The 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health. I had the good fortune to hear Dr. Dean Ornish…

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WFPB diet

Why the Nation’s Largest Health Plan Wants Its Doctors to Recommend a Plant-Based Diet

If physicians know of a treatment that could prevent and reverse disease, then it seems like that treatment should be the first-line…

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nutrition experts agree

Common Ground: What the World’s Top Nutrition Experts Agree On

Some of the world’s top nutrition scientists and experts came together at the Oldways Finding Common Ground conference in Boston at the end…

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The human body depicted as a graphic, the thinner body size is filled with fresh fruits and veggies and the larger frame is filled with hot dogs, hamburgers, cakes, and other junk food

Why Does Animal Protein Cause Weight Gain?

The following is an excerpt from Proteinaholic, which was released by HarperOne. You might be asking yourself how protein can be associated with weight…

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big food companies health

How Big Food Companies Affect Nutrition Policy

The following is an excerpt from the New York Times bestseller How Not to Die, which was released by Flatiron Books. Research showing…

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healthy college dining

How to Eat Healthy in College Dining Halls

There are many reasons why college is the best time to go vegan, but finding healthy, plant-based fare in a typical dining…

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Nina Randa
Success Stories

How We Cured Cystic Acne With One Simple Diet Change

We are identical twins, and were lucky to escape our teenage years mostly free from acne. We never realized how lucky we…

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A woman examines the back of a package of food, studying the nutrition facts label

Reading Nutrition Labels and Food Packaging: Four Tips for Savvy Shopping

While about three-fourths of Americans might use the Nutrition Facts panel at least some of the time, most people have only a…

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Young woman drinking water

Who Benefits From Medically Supervised Fasting?

Originally published in Health Science. In the world of our ancient ancestors, fasting occurred primarily by force, not by choice. Humans would…

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Russell Simmons Happy Vegan

The Happy Vegan: Mogul Russell Simmons on How His Lifestyle Fuels His Success

Music and fashion mogul and media magnate Russell Simmons has launched some of the most famous hip-hop musicians, including Beastie Boys and…

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