Nutritionist’s List: Stock Up On These Low-Cost Staples
Go on a virtual trip to the grocery store with nutritionist Jeff Novick in the video below. He shows you what grocery…

Healthy Lunchbox Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for Back-to-School
Adapted from Plant-Powered Families by Dreena Burton. These tips and ideas will arm you with so many ideas for healthy lunches, and hopefully…

3 Expert Tips on How to Cook Without Oil
Many people are surprised to learn that it’s easy to cook great food without oil or butter. Besides being healthier, it’s not hard to make…

Don’t Believe the News Headlines: Foods High in Saturated Fat Are Still Unhealthy
Researchers of a new study published in the BMJ concluded there was no association between eating more saturated fat—the kind found in…

Do Antidepressant Drugs Really Work?
A recent meta-analysis caused huge waves when it concluded that the effectiveness of antidepressants could be explained by the placebo effect. In…

Do Different Bodies Really Need Radically Different Types of Diets?
The concepts of personalized medicine and personalized nutrition have really taken off. People are eating according to their blood type, their metabolic…

Why Switching from Beef to Chicken or Fish May Not Lower Your Cholesterol
It’s common for people to give up red meat in an attempt to get healthier and lower their cholesterol levels. But does…

The War on Wheat
The Fifth Estate, the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s investigative news series, looks at the recent anti-wheat and gluten-free trend that they call the…

Why Whole Grains Should Be Part of Your Diet
Whole grains have an image problem. Media headlines and fitness magazines warn that eating grains can make you fat and sick. When…

How One Piglet Changed My Life
Growing up on a farm in a small Ohio town, I shared my childhood with animals of all kinds. I was enchanted…

Is Coconut Oil Healthy or Hazardous?
We are not quite sure why people think there is something magically healthy about coconut oil. We think it is because it…

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure With Diet, Not Drugs
In this NutritionFacts.org video, Dr. Michael Greger looks at the current research on the world’s deadliest risk factor and how it relates to the food…