
The Protein Juggernaut Has Deep Roots

This article was originally published in the T. Colin Campbell Foundation newsletter and is reprinted here with permission. Click here to sign up…

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Plant Based News

Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News?

Did you hear about the study in the news today? Health information these days is much more commonplace than ever before. Every…

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Take Heart! Whole-Food, Plant-Based Living Will (Slowly) Reach the Masses

Once you know the connection between dietary choices and health, watching other people eat can be a gruesome sight. It can seem…

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Eating on $1.50 a day

My $1.50 a Day Challenge: Eating a Plant-Based Diet on an Austere Budget

I recently took on a personal challenge to eat on $1.50 a day for five days. I was apprehensive and didn’t think…

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What’s Wrong with Eggs?

A common question I hear as a dietitian (second only to “Where do you get your protein?” of course) is “What’s wrong…

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Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and How to Feed a Growing Global Population: Part Two of Two

In part one, we explored how eating animals affects hunger and the world’s agricultural resources. IT’S TIME TO CONCEIVE NEW SOLUTIONS Most…

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Rice Part One

Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and How to Feed a Growing Global Population: Part One of Two

More than 870 million people in world suffer daily from hunger. This year alone, six million children will die from starvation. One…

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Powders, Extracts, Oils, and Juices

They’re all around us — goji berries, chia seeds, maca, pomegranates, and the list goes on. Certain individual foods are labeled “superfoods”…

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Plant-Powered Athlete Josh Garrett Attempts Pacific Crest Trail Speed Record

On June 10, vegan athlete Josh Garrett set out to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a grueling 2,655-mile journey from Mexico to…

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Who Should Take Cholesterol-lowering Statins? Everyone or No One?

Should cholesterol-lowering statins be added to our drinking water in order to prevent atherosclerosis, like fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay?…

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The Myth of Complementary Protein

Recently, I was teaching a nutrition class and describing the adequacy of plant-based diets to meet human nutritional needs. A woman raised…

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Countless brown and white cows stand behind a fence outside

Freshwater Abuse and Loss: Where Is It All Going?

Along with climate change, perhaps the most pressing concern we have regarding sustaining our lives, and future life on earth, is our…

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