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school lunch

Fed Up: Let’s Really Move Big Food Out of School Lunches

Sugar isn’t the only villain in our surging obesity epidemic. Katie Couric’s new documentary Fed Up is an eye-opening experience for most…

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Unidentified man in a blue business suit clutches his chest

TMAO: A Toxic Substance Formed When You Eat Meat Can Make You … Dead Meat

We can add another reason to the list of why we should not eat meat. If the saturated fat and cholesterol in…

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Going vegan is beyond a doubt the most natural, healthy, & advisable thing you can do to optimize your wellness and avoid health issues like heart disease.

Why Everyone Should Eat More Plants

There is a misconception that eating a plant-based diet is unnatural, the purview of activist radicals and the socially marginalized. Instead, I…

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Two books stand up on a white background: "Grain Brain," and "Wheat Belly"

The Smoke and Mirrors Behind Wheat Belly and Grain Brain

The Atkins Diet lives on in the current bestselling books Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD and Grain Brain by David Perlmutter,…

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Plant-based nutrition can be used in a variety of nutrition jobs—be it in the clinical field, education, research, public health and even entrepreneurship!

Careers in Plant-Based Nutrition: Options for Action in an Emerging Field

We need you. We have never before been faced with so much overweight, chronic disease, and associated emotional and financial ill effects…

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The tragedy is this: The concept that meat causes cancer has been known for more than a century. In 1907, the New York Times published an article showing that meat-eaters were at high cancer risk, compared with those choosing other staples

1907 New York Times Article Shows that Meat Causes Cancer. A Century Later, Many People Still Haven’t Heard the News

In a recent NPR debate about the risks of meat-eating, I put forward the proposition that meat causes cancer. Judging by faces…

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Headshot of Cardiologist Robert Ostfeld next to Forks Over Knives logo

The Plant-Based Lifestyle Is the Best Medicine I’ve Ever Prescribed

As a cardiologist, I am delighted to share the many ways Forks Over Knives has been an incredible resource for my patients,…

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How Not to Need Viagra

Erectile dysfunction has been getting a lot of publicity in recent years, and when a brand-new drug, Viagra, hit the market in…

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Melanie Joy, PhD, EdM

Incorporating Compassion for Farmed Animals

The following piece is the acceptance speech given by Dr. Melanie Joy on October 9, 2013 at the House of Commons in…

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The Protein Juggernaut Has Deep Roots

This article was originally published in the T. Colin Campbell Foundation newsletter and is reprinted here with permission. Click here to sign up…

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Plant Based News

Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News?

Did you hear about the study in the news today? Health information these days is much more commonplace than ever before. Every…

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Boy holding blueberries in a bowl

Take Heart! Whole-Food, Plant-Based Living Will (Slowly) Reach the Masses

Once you know the connection between dietary choices and health, watching other people eat can be a gruesome sight. It can seem…

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